
Customer Testimonials

  • 4/5 stars

    You moved me in to my new flat on Sunday, the men were outstanding and the service was second to none i am recommending you to all my friends. Thanks again.

    - 4 July 2011

  • 5/5 stars

    Just wanted to pass on my thanks to Marco and all for a very smooth transaction yesterday. The service from the initial call to pick up my Bandit, to the price quoted, to the follow up call and to delivering my bike at 9.30pm last night, spot on, great to see some levels of customer service are still high. Keep up
    the good work.
    Pearse Farren

    - 26 May 2011

  • 5/5 stars

    By the way, I was really happy with the two guys who help me moving. They were brilliant. They did it as fast as they could, and let me relax and be less stressed by the moving. Will definitely recommend you with my friends.
    I cannot remember any of their names, hopefully you will have them on your files.

    - 25 March 2011

  • 5/5 stars

    Triumphant Event's has been using London's Finest Man With Van to help transport equipment to and from our events all throughout London. We find their great service allows us to relax and not have to worry about our equipment. They are competitively priced, friendly and professional. Highly Recommended.

    - 7 January 2011

  • 4/5 stars

    Marco's Man and Van team were friendly, efficient and careful. They were very reasonably priced and really helpful - they made moving so much less stressful than it should have been! I have already recommended them twice and only used them 3 days ago!

    - 14 February 2011